Grievance Deadline Countdown

Nassau: March 1, 2017 - 2910 days ago

Suffolk: May 16, 2017 - 2834 days ago

7 Big Tax Breaks Homeowners May Not Know About

It’s true that the US tax code is indeed intimidating and because of that, many Americans don’t really want to dig through IRS forms and receipts each spring. The good news is that if you’re the proud owner of a home, then you can take advantage of many deductions th

Property Tax Reassessment FAQ

Why are reassessments being performed by my municipality? When it comes to taxes, it’s fair to say that they are practically a 0 sum game. This means that what a property owner doesn’t pay, is going to be picked up by another individual. Therefore, if a neighborhood’

Long Island Tax Reduction Process Made Easy

Contrary to popular belief, the process of real estate tax reduction is not lengthy. In fact, with the right Tax Grievance firm, your grievance will be settled successfully and quickly. The Heller & Clausen Grievance Group is the Long Island Tax Grievance agency that you need to f

Commercial Real Estate: Will my property taxes go up as a result of my purchase price?

Commercial real estate transactions are on the increase and the volume is expected to reach a new high in 2016. Because of this, a lot of owners have started to research this trend and the way their buying price is going to influence their commercial property tax. We have a lot of pot

Appealing Your Property Tax Bill in Nassau and Suffolk NY

Did you know that you can actually reduce your property’s tax bill if you appeal the value assigned to your property by the taxman? In fact, it’s the estimated value that is used for the purpose of calculating your taxes. If you want to reduce your taxes, the best way is t

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Tax Grievance Firm To File Your Tax Grievance

  Filing your tax grievance on your own is certainly possible and to do this, you’ll only have to carefully research the value of your property, proceed with filling out your Grievance petition and lastly, you just have to write a letter in support that details your positio

Nassau County Tax Grievance 2015

Property Tax Grievance Nassau County NY Homeowners in Nassau County have one chance a year to lower they’re exorbitant property taxes and this year the tax grievance filing deadline is March 2, 2015. According to a study by Zillow, Nassau County pay’s the nation’s fourth highest prope

Deadline for Tax Grievance in Suffolk County Is May 17, 2016

Suffolk County Residential Tax Grievance Suffolk County’s real estate market is still recovering which should make most every Suffolk homeowner’s property values decline further this year.  The one silver lining in that dark cloud- you might have a great shot at lowering your property

A 2014 Property Tax Grievance Guide-Why This Is The Year!

Suffolk County’s real estate market is still recovering which should make most every Suffolk homeowner’s property values decline further this year.  The one silver lining in that dark cloud- you might have a great shot at lowering your property taxes.  If you think you’ve been o

The Deadline For Tax Grievance Approaches

The Heller & Clausen Tax Grievance Group Featured in Long Island Pulse Magazine Author: Justine Lorelle LoMonaco | Published: Monday, January 27, 2014 Discovering that your home is being taxed at a higher value than it is worth means it’s time to start grieving. But don’t worry—th

5 Ways Grieving Your Property Taxes Can Help

Sell Your Home Faster For More Money Help #1-Makes your home more attractive to a buyer by reducing the annual property taxes burden. Help #2-We will issue you and your agent a letter to show potential buyers.  The letter will state that the property taxes are being professionally gri

Guide To Reduce Property Taxes in Suffolk County – FINAL NOTICE

Suffolk County NY – Tax Grievance Deadline Reducing your Suffolk County property taxes is one of the easiest ways to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year.  This easy guide will help to get you started: 1.       Determine your starting assessed value.  This may be do